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Phone: +30.210.6855061
Address: 466 Irakliou Ave. & Kiprou, 141 22 Iraklio Attikis, Athens, Greece
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Web application penetration testing is the practice of performing attacks on a Web Application (authenticated or not) in an attempt to compromise the system, gain access to sensitive data, misuse that applications functionalities and discover vulnerabilities and missing best practices. It is an essential penetration test that will satisfy compliance requirements, identifies vulnerabilities and harden the environment.
Hackcraft’s Web Application Security Assessment services, based on accepted and well defined methodologies and will perform at minimum:
Web API penetration testing is the practice of performing attacks on a Web API (authenticated or not) that is not supported by a front end, in an attempt to compromise the system, gain access to sensitive data, misuse that applications functionalities and discover vulnerabilities and missing best practices. It is an essential penetration test that will satisfy compliance requirements, identifies vulnerabilities and harden the environment.
Hackcraft’s Web API Security Assessment services, based on accepted and well defined methodologies, will perform at minimum:
The mobile application penetration test is a way to analyze the security of a mobile environment and gain insights into the source code’s vulnerabilities, bottlenecks, and attack vectors before it happens. Penetration testing helps increase cyber security across mobile apps.
Hackcraft’s Mobile Application Security Assessment services, based on accepted and well defined methodologies, will test at minimum:
The client application penetration test is a way to analyze the security of a client application and gain insights into the source code’s vulnerabilities, and attack vectors that may introduce to the system .
Hackcraft’s Desktop Application Security Assessment services, based on accepted and well defined methodologies, will test at minimum: